Special Offers

Try Before You Buy

Try Before You Buy

Choose three Regular Listings in other websites/portals and they are on us - free for the first 90 days!

Listing your business for sale with Asia Business Brokers (our Standard Listing Plan), which includes a Regular Listing in the asiabusinessbrokers.com website, gives you great exposure to potential Buyers. Although we are the website of choice for many people looking to buy in Asia, let's face it, the more listings you have (in this site and others), the better the chances are of a Buyer being found and/or being found quicker. You want this, and so do we.

Our Standard Listing Plan is purposely non-exclusive so you too may advertise if you wish and we encourage you to do so. We do, however, offer Extra Listing Services, one of them being Regular Listings in other relevant websites and portals. You may choose to post in these sites (and others) if you like, but we can do it for you and manage responses for only USD3 per site per 90 days. Available only with a Standard Listing Plan, we give you the first three for free, so you can try before you buy.

All of the details regarding our Standard Listing Plan may be seen at our Standard Listing Plan page. Extra Listing Services may be seen at our Extra Listing Services page.

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